Sunday, 10 October 2010

Trust, the most important attribute

Picked up this story over the weekend form Phil Hopkins' The Passionate Entrepreneur site. The story is significant because it demonstrates how a lack of trust can undermine anyone's professional credibility and eventually their business.

The business woman highlighted in Phil's story went behind the back of someone to whom she had been referred in order to gain a relatively small financial advantage. Business, however is not just a question of hard cash; as an effective business networker you must think in terms of "Emotional Capital".

Cutting a potential colleague out of the ideal for a few quid is no different to betraying the confidence of one colleague to another for short term gain. A bit of gossip may ingratiate you to someone in the short term but they are bound to be suspicious of telling you anything of significance about themselves as a consequence.

Know Like and Trust relationships are achieved when both parties offer two things, a listening ear and practical help. That help may be no more than encouragement to a budding entrepreneur or a possible lead. But if all you can offer is the cheap thrill of a bit if tittle-tattle your networking relationships will be about as valuable and long term as a chocolate teapot.

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