Friday, 8 October 2010

Three Quick Tips from Business Balls.

Just three quick tips form the excellent Business Balls website to end the week with.

The word that stands out is Integrity.

  1. What goes around comes around.. humankind can't yet explain this scientifically, but it does seem to work. Give to receive. Counter-intuitive to many people, nevertheless it's the fundamental ethos of business networking. Help others.
  2. Use a helpful approach especially on business networking websites. Think: "What can I contribute to this community which people will find truly helpful?" And then work hard to extend that help - whatever it is - to as many relevant people as possible.
  3. Always keep your integrity. Nothing destroys networking like lack of trust. Trust is based on knowing that the other person has integrity.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

BforB East Yorkshire Launch

A later entry today as I have been at our first BforB launch meeting in Hull. Anne Smith- Brady did us proud with both the facilities and fine food. Director of Operations Paul Richards' appreciation of the sausages was noted by all.

Seriously though, I never cease to be impressed by how responsive business colleagues are to the BforB ethos of Know Like and Trust, elevator pitches and one to one meetings were all highly successful and when it came to the final business of the meeting several strong leads were offered by colleagues to people they had met but an hour before. Big thanks to Russell Mcgrath who traveled over from Bradford and provided us with valuable information about his marketing firm Tandem Marketing Solutions.

Pride of place goes to Anne, who not only looked after us so well but acted as co-ordinator for the final part of the agenda. Here is the link to the Pearson Park Hotel, a fine hotel with easy free parking facilities only a stone's throw from Hull city centre.

Monday, 4 October 2010

One Quick Question

Just a quick posting today. I spent a recent Saturday with The BforB team at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. There were lots of businesses represented. In many cases it was pretty easy to deduce what services they offered; banks, Pizza companies, travel agents etc.

When people passed the BforB stand it was not quite so easy for them to pigeon hole us, they would often pause and as they did so it was easy to ask an invitational question, "Would you like to know what we do?" Most people, I believe like to establish a positive rapport with others and so only one said,"No".

Inviting people to find out more about you, perhaps by having a company badge with the business name on it, and not immediately saying "I am a" I work in" "I provide" is a simple first step in building "Know Like and Trust" bridges.

Business for Breakfast East Yorkshire opens tomorrow, Pearson Park Hotel 6.45 am in Hull.

Sunday, 3 October 2010