Monday, 4 October 2010

One Quick Question

Just a quick posting today. I spent a recent Saturday with The BforB team at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. There were lots of businesses represented. In many cases it was pretty easy to deduce what services they offered; banks, Pizza companies, travel agents etc.

When people passed the BforB stand it was not quite so easy for them to pigeon hole us, they would often pause and as they did so it was easy to ask an invitational question, "Would you like to know what we do?" Most people, I believe like to establish a positive rapport with others and so only one said,"No".

Inviting people to find out more about you, perhaps by having a company badge with the business name on it, and not immediately saying "I am a" I work in" "I provide" is a simple first step in building "Know Like and Trust" bridges.

Business for Breakfast East Yorkshire opens tomorrow, Pearson Park Hotel 6.45 am in Hull.

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