Thursday, 25 November 2010

Monty Python's Networking Technique

Mark:  Hello my name's Mark.

Mark's New Friend: What do you do then?

Mark: I run Business Referral Clubs.

Mark's New Friend: I went to one of those once.

Mark: Oh Good, Enjoy it?

Mark's New Friend:  Nah. Didn't want to go to a meeting every week.

Mark: Glad you said that, we meet once a fortnight.

Mark's New friend:  Didn't want to have to give referral every week

Mark: Glad you said that. In my group someone said that to me once. I just said, "Anything you do like asking to have a chat to someone later adds to building relationships." Referrals come later,  relationships first.

Mark's New Friend: Too much structure, don't like that.

Mark: Glad you said that. Well we have quite a bit of structure in our groups but we also make sure that we have plenty of time for informal chat. Last week's meeting overran by 30 minutes as we all stayed chatting about City.

Mark's New Friend: You follow City then?

Mark: No I follow Southampton

Mark's New Friend: You poor sod.

Mark: Yes.

Mark's New Friend: What time do you meet?

Mark: 6.45

Mark's New Friend: Sheessh too early for me!

Mark: Glad you said that. We'll be setting up an evening group in the New Year.

Mark's New Friend:  Like to get home after work. Also I like to do business in the pub.

Mark: Glad you said that. That's what x over there did. I introduced him to one of the members and they met for a beer last Friday.

Mark's New Friend: I only go to pubs with people I know.

Mark: Glad you said that. So apart from the structure, the referrals, the time in the morning, the time in the evening and meeting new people basically you think its a good idea, want to come next week?

Mark's New Friend: Grunt

Mark: I'll piss off now shall I?

Mark's New Friend: Nah, don't worry. So why the hell do you support a crap team like Southampton anyway?

Mark: Glad you said that.....

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Netiquette Part 3: Sending E-Mail to Rude Folk

There's nothing quite like people who are rude and don't respond to e-mails.

I've just seen an excellent posting on the website . This article, tackles the question of how quickly one should respond to e-mails. Whilst there is no question that we can all become inundated by e-mails especially SPAM , it is incumbent upon us to respond to all e-mails as quickly as we can.

Sometimes it can feel a nuisance having to wade through a pile of e-mails, and there very well may be a good reason why we cannot send a quick response, but to the sender a lack of response  will appear to be bad manners. As the article says, the fact that the sender knows that the message is delivered to your desk the second it is sent means that they will  assume that you are able to deal with it there and then.

The answer, it is suggested is to set up an out office reply. This can set up a brief automated response to inform people that you are out of the office and will get back to them as soon as possible.

Here's a link to a site that shows you how to do it.  Anyone who has any comments or further advice, please post a comment  here.