Stepping in is scary. Rest assured that you won't be the only one to be feeling nervous. Here's my three rules for getting those butterflies under control.
If there's a coffee table go to it. Gives you access to people who probably are in the same boat as you. They have just arrived and are using the coffee table as a base to see who there is to talk to. Also "Can you pass the sugar? " Quickly leads to "Thanks, What's your name?" Sometimes the coffee table will be inhabited by people who may be breaking off from a group within the room. They will be confident and at ease and ready either to meet you or introduce you to others.
Check out singles. Someone standing on their own around the centre of the room might be having a good look around to see who they can talk to next. If you catch their eye then smile. If you are quite a long way away, make sure you don't fix your eyes on theirs as you stride purposefully across the room. Prolonged eye contact can be perceived as aggression ( see previous posts). It is better to approach them in a slightly more roundabout way, slowly in a relaxed fashion.
"What do you do?" Everyone at a meeting wants to have interest shown in them. Remember networking is about establishing relations that are going to mutually beneficial and are based on the keywords Know Like and Trust. By asking someone this question you showing an interest in them, you are removing any reticence they might feel about talking about their business and achievements, they are at their ease and trust you........ congratulations you've just made a perfect entry to a networking group.
Business for Breakfast brings like minded professionals together in an atmosphere of Know Like and Trust. Come to The Pearson Park Hotel Hull at 7.00 am, Wednesday October 6th or Tuesday the 12th
Check out this link
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