Friday, 17 September 2010

Brighouse Breakfast

Another day closer to the Hull launch of Business for Breakfast and I decided to kill two birds with one stone today. Up at 5.00am to get to The Holiday Inn in Brighouse for a club meeting and a planning meeting with my colleague Russell McGrath.

It's always good to see how other clubs function. Every effective networking group has its own distinctive mix of personalities and style of doing business, there must be a structure but if the structure and the rules stifle individuality then "Know Like and Trust" will be a long time coming.

Best part of today's meeting was that it was entirely run by the club's own elected members; people who see such a great benefit from business that they put in extra time to ensure that all members benefit.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Business Workshops and Networking

There may be opportunities for you to participate in business workshops if you don't take advantage of them already. The pros are that they may provide specialist advice about your business sector or give general advice on business financing or tax matters.

The cons are that they can be expensive which means you have to pick and choose accordingly. Universities are usually cost effective providers of such events
An added value for money bonus in some events is that speed networking events are staged at the same venue, usually before the activity of the day.

If you do attend then there is alway an opportunity to network effectively. I've attached a link to a page on Business and Networking. com which covers this.

You can use these occasions to develop your "soft networking skills" such as being an active listener and showing an interest in people by engaging them with positive body language and eye-contact.

My advice would be to go to a workshop with BforB core values of "Know Like and Trust" firmly in your mind, evaluate how you developed relationships after and view these contacts as a bonus to take from a worthwhile event.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Monday, 13 September 2010

Share Business Balls Top Ten Tips

The cracking Business Balls site has this top ten tips for networkers. Worth a read.

1. Elevator speech.Describe yourself concisely and impressively.
2. Be different.Differentiate yourself. Aim high. Be best at something.
3. Help others.Help others and you will be helped.
4. Personal integrity.Integrity, trust and reputation are vital for networking.
5. Relevant targeting.Groups and contacts relevant to your aims and capabilities.
6. Plans and aims.Plan your networking - and know what you want.
7. Follow up.Following up meetings and referrals makes things happen.
8. Be positive.Be a positive influence on everyone and everything.
9. Sustained focused effort.Be focused - and ever-ready.
10. Life balance.Being balanced and grounded builds assurance.

Sunday, 12 September 2010